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Celebrate Ask a Question Day with Katie Mazeika!

Writer: Heather MachtHeather Macht

Hi, parents, librarians, book fanatics, writers, and readers of all sorts! Today is Ask a Question Day and #SeasonsOfKidLit is thrilled to celebrate the occasion with author and illustrator Katie Mazeika and her new book, Maybe Just Ask Me!  Katie's book follows Mazie who wears an eyepatch and a head scarf.  As Mazie starts a new school she prepares for her classmates to wonder why she wears those things, only no one asks her about it. Instead, wild rumors fly around the classroom that she’s a pirate or a dragon burned off her hair! Mazie doesn’t mind talking about her disability with her classmates, but can she find the courage to tell the other kids to just ask her rather than spread rumors? Want to know more about Katie, her new book, PLUS want a chance to win your very own copy and book swag, too? Read on...
Hi, parents, librarians, book fanatics, writers, and readers of all sorts! Today is Ask a Question Day and #SeasonsOfKidLit is thrilled to celebrate the occasion with author and illustrator Katie Mazeika and her new book, Maybe Just Ask Me! Katie's book follows Mazie who wears an eyepatch and a head scarf. As Mazie starts a new school she prepares for her classmates to wonder why she wears those things, only no one asks her about it. Instead, wild rumors fly around the classroom that she’s a pirate or a dragon burned off her hair! Mazie doesn’t mind talking about her disability with her classmates, but can she find the courage to tell the other kids to just ask her rather than spread rumors? Want to know more about Katie, her new book, PLUS want a chance to win your very own copy and book swag, too? Read on...

Q: Hi, Katie! Thanks so much for joining #SeasonOfKidLit! We’re thrilled to host you and hear all about your new book, Maybe Just Ask Me!

Can you share a little bit about yourself and how you became a children’s author and illustrator? 

A: I actually started out only as an illustrator! But, I have always enjoyed writing and wondered about what it would be like to be on the other side of the book. At one point, I found myself between agents and at a loss about what I wanted to do next. Another author/illustrator suggested I write my own books to illustrate. So I started writing and (eventually) created my author/illustrator debut ANNETTE FEELS FREE. It took time and a lot of trial and error but now I can’t imagine not being a writer. 

We love that you started out as an illustrator and LOVE your illustrations, too! Readers, check out some of Katie's work & other books!

Q: Your book follows Mazie who wears an eye patch and a headscarf on her first day of school. As she prepares for her classmates to wonder why and ask her, no one does. Instead, rumors fly. 

What an important topic for a children’s book! Can you share more about your book and Mazie with our readers?

A: Mazie is based on myself as a kid. I had cancer and lost my right eye when I was just three. The bone around where my eye had been became infected, and I was in and out of hospitals for many years. At five years old, I spent five months at Cleveland Clinic for several surgeries. Then, I had to fully go back to school. Which was a surreal experience! Mazie, the main character of MAYBE JUST ASK ME! is based on myself at that tough point of my life. 

In the book, Mazie knows her classmates are staring at her and that they are telling wild stories about why she wears an eyepatch and headscarf. But she just wants to make friends. So, when it becomes too much, Mazie finds the courage to speak up and tell her classmates to “just ask” why she wears an eyepatch and headscarf instead of wildly speculating why she was different. 

Unfortunately, I was never as brave as Mazie. I was a pretty shy kid and while I knew my classmates were staring and whispering (just like Mazie does!), I never said anything back then. It felt great being able to write a character who was bolder than I was and able to speak up for herself. Hopefully, it inspires young readers to have that bravery!  

Q:  What gave you the idea to draw from your childhood experiences and share this with readers of all ages? What do you hope anyone, no matter their age, draws from your story? 

A: The idea came from a conversation with a group of disabled writers around a firepit. We were comparing our experiences and talking about the things we wish were different. I mentioned being so aware of being stared at. It was something I knew happened when I was younger and as I became an adult, I've gotten used to parents whispering at kids to "stop staring" and look elsewhere. But it wasn't until that conversation that I realized how strange and sad it was that I was so used to it. That conversation really stuck with me and from there, I knew I wanted to address these feelings. 

I hope children and adults will read MAYBE JUST ASK ME! and understand it's okay to talk openly about disabilities. Kids are curious, and curiosity (with kindness) is allowed, as long as kids understand that not everyone wants to share their story. When we teach kids to look away from someone with a disability, we are teaching kids that disabilities are scary or shameful. We should feel comfortable talking openly about differences. That's how we learn we are alike. Not only that, but when we are looking away from someone or trying to ignore them in order to be “polite”, we’re also just excluding them. And it’s important that kids don’t become accustomed to excluding people just because they’re different. 

Q: What advice do you have for authors who are looking to share about their experiences as children, especially some that may have been difficult? 

A: Try to write for yourself as a kid. What would that younger version of yourself want in a story? What would the younger version of yourself have to say? And don’t be surprised if it does become painful. This story opened up some old wounds for me. There were days that I had to take a step away or call my mom. My big piece of advice is to give yourself grace and to be kind to yourself during the process. 

Love this advice!

Q: Are there any easter eggs in Maybe Just Ask Me!

A: Yes! There are several nods to MADELINE by Ludwig Bemelmans.  I loved MADELINE as a child! Madeline had a scar and spent time in the hospital like I did. If you look closely, you will find Madeline and the book in a few spreads. If you look very closely, you will discover one spread that is an homage to Madeline when she jumps up on the bed and shows off her scar.

Q: Would you like to leave a tip or a treat for our readers?

A: I'd love to offer a treat - a Book and Book Swag to one reader!

WOW! What an AWESOME treat! Thanks again for joining us, Katie, and thanks for your amazing treat. We loved getting to know you more!

Giveaway Details: Readers, to enter to win Katie's amazing giveaway, 1) share this post on social media and 2) leave a comment below to thank her for stopping by! Book-themed GIFs are always welcomed, too.

Giveaway winners will be drawn and announced on or about 3/28!

Books will be shipped in the US only.

About Katie Mazeika:

Katie Mazeika is an award-winning author and illustrator who is passionate about highlighting disabled voices in her work. She hopes her work as a creator and advocate creates a space to openly discuss disability and neurodiversity

Katie is the author and illustrator of the nonfiction picture books BEULAH HAS A HUNCH! (Simon & Schuster) and ANNETTE FEELS FREE (Simon & Schuster). Her fiction debut, MAYBE JUST ASK ME! (Simon & Schuster), comes out April 22, 2025. Katie illustrated three board books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Babies series (Charlesbridge) and Is That the Bus? by Libby Koppanen (Charlesbridge), among other books.

When she’s not drawing, writing, or visiting schools and libraries, Katie likes to spend her time gardening and reading other people’s books. Katie currently lives in Cleveland, Ohio.

You can see more of Katie’s work at or follow her on Instagram @kdmazart or Bluesky @kdmaz.

To purchase Katie's books on Amazon, or to leave a review for them, click here.



Your book is going to help so many kids and start conversations. Thank you for letting us get to know you better! I shared on tumblr:


4 hours ago

What a great life lesson! Thank you for sharing, Katie!


Alison McGauley
Alison McGauley
7 hours ago

I look forward to reading this important new picture book. Congrats, Katie! I also shared this on BlueSky.


Christy Matthes
Christy Matthes
7 hours ago

Thank you for the inspiring interview! I've posted this on Bluesky. :)


Amy Houts
Amy Houts
7 hours ago

I love stories about children being kind and accepting to others. It sounds like your book illustrates this in the end. Thank you for being brave for all of us.


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